Sustainability - or as we call it: Mindfulness

Why is LOOKABE different from other fashion labels? It all started with a passion for pretty designs that we can wear on our shirts and sweaters every day. Our founder Melani has always had a thing for beautiful, graphic illustrations of products and images. This perfectionist streak is what brought her to fashion. Everyone should be able to brighten up a basic shirt or sweater with a beautiful phrase or design and have it in their closet. Well said, well done. But done differently than most others. A large-scale production of shirts and sweaters with certain designs was out of the question. What we find beautiful today, does not have to meet our taste the day after tomorrow, right? So we need flexibility. This is what we find in the print-on-demand system. The shirts and sweaters are only ordered when you place your order in our online store. With a sophisticated supplier process, LOOKABE receives the basic product within a few days to print the phrase or design by hand using direct digital printing. On demand - indeed. This eliminates one of the biggest problems in the textile industry: waste. We don't throw away old collections because they have gone out of fashion. We only produce our articles if they are actually bought.

But where do our textiles come from? We work with a European textile producer who operates its production facilities, built to EU standards, in Bangladesh. Bangladesh? Exactly! Because in Bangladesh we find the expert knowledge around textiles, as more than 4.5 million people are employed in the textile industry there. This knowledge is enormously important and should not be lost. So instead of leaving the experts on site because there are bad working conditions, we should change and improve the working conditions! Just like it happens in the productions that make our shirts! Our producer is a member of the Fair Wear Foundation (FWF), an independent organization to ensure that working conditions in the textile industry are improved. They work closely with FWF to constantly improve and drive new projects. Feel free to check out the official FWF site:

What about the materials? In our shirts you will find only organic cotton. Did you know that organic cotton has 46% less impact on global warming and 70% less acidification of land and water (compared to conventional cotton)? Plus, growing organic cotton uses 91% less land and groundwater. For these reasons, we use pure organic cotton for our LOOKABE shirts. To make the sweaters and hoodies more robust and stronger, it needs polyester. But this is made exclusively from recycled materials. A jacket made of recycled polyester, for example, consists of 20 PET bottles. Beverage bottles that would otherwise end up in the trash are washed, melted down, cleaned and turned into yarn. This yarn is used for our sweaters and hoodies to make the textiles soft, durable and breathable.

Aber wo kommen unsere Textilien her?
Wir arbeiten mit einem europäischen Textilproduzenten zusammen, der seine nach EU-Standard aufgebauten Produktionsstätten in Bangladesch betreibt. Bangladesch? Genau! Denn in Bangladesch finden wir das Expertenwissen rundum Textilien, da dort mehr als 4,5 Millionen Menschen in der Textilindustrie beschäftigt sind. Dieses Wissen ist enorm wichtig und sollte nicht verloren gehen. Anstatt also die Experten vor Ort zu verlassen, weil dort schlechte Arbeitsbedingungen herrschen, sollten wir die Arbeitsbedingungen ändern und verbessern! So wie es in den Produktionen, die unsere Shirts herstellen, eben passiert! Unser Produzent ist Mitglied der Fair Wear Foundation (FWF), eine unabhängige Organisation, um sicherzustellen, dass Arbeitsbedingungen in der Textilbranche verbessert werden. Es herrscht eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit FWF, um sich stetig zu verbessern und neue Projekte voranzutreiben. Informiert euch gerne auf der offiziellen FWF Seite:

Wie sieht es mit den Materialien aus?
In unseren Shirts findet ihr ausschließlich Baumwolle in Bio-Qualität. Wusstet ihr, dass Bio-Baumwolle 46% weniger Auswirkungen auf die Erderwärmung hat und 70% weniger Versauerung von Land und Wasser bedeutet (im Gegensatz zu konventioneller Baumwolle)? Außerdem verbraucht der Anbau von Bio-Baumwolle 91% weniger Fläche und Grundwasser. Aus diesen Gründen nutzen wir für unsere LOOKABE Shirts reine Bio-Baumwolle. Um die Sweater und Hoodies robuster und fester zu gestalten, benötigt es Polyester. Dieses wird aber ausschließlich aus recycelten Materialien hergestellt. Eine Jacke aus recyceltem Polyester besteht zum Beispiel aus 20 PET-Flaschen. Getränkeflaschen, die sonst in den Müll landen, werden gewaschen, eingeschmolzen, gereinigt und zu Garn verarbeitet. Dieses Garn wird für unsere Sweater und Hoodies verwendet, um die Textilien weich, langlebig und luftdurchlässig zu machen.